Tuesday, September 8, 2015

3 Things About Me

I'd like to take this week to share a little bit about myself. Just a brief introduction. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in.  And then share a bit about yourself in the comments!

1.  I'm all about my family.

That's me to the left, peeking around the edge. Next to me is my man, also known as Mark. We've been together since dirt formed.  Seriously. Then come 3 of my 4 kids.  Don't worry. I'll share photos of the missing boy (Alec-19) another time. The red head is Katie (15), next is Emma (13), then Trevor (22). His sweetie is in front of him. That's Chelsey. And that cutie in the pigtails is Tater. Short for Tater tot. Her parents like to call her Caylee (2), but I can call her whatever I want, cause I'm the grandma. Yep, it's taken me 2 years to say it, but I wear the title proudly now. The grandma.  Anyways, we're a loud, crazy, trouble making group, but I'm the mama bear and I'm the only one that gets to say anything bad about them. Because they are my tribe. And I love them all fiercely.

2.  I'm a Disneyland freak.

Yep. I'm one of those. I adore going to the parks. It's where all my cares go away and I can act like a kid again and eat lots of yummy snacks and shop for new Mickey shirts and take hundreds of photos and dream about the next trip. At this time, we go as a family about every other year. We used to go once a year, but some of my tribe think it's too much. I don't agree, but whatever. We went this summer, so I have a very long wait until the next trip....but I may sneak in a grownup only trip next year. But that's our secret.  It's not like any of my 4 kids read my blog. 

3.  I live in Chandler, Arizona, but secretly wish I lived in San Diego.

Well, that may not be much of a secret.  I love the ocean. It's my happy place. And I'm lucky enough to go visit at least a couple of times a year. But that's the best I get for now, until I can talk my man into quitting his job and the girls to move to a new high school. Not likely.

Now it's your turn to share. See you tomorrow.


  1. I read your blogs, and I love what you write but I think that grownup trip should be a getaway for us girls :p

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ha. You are too clever. And don't try to temp me. I need to be good.
