Monday, September 7, 2015

Why I Quit Blogging...

Well, hello there....

Who am I?

Well, I'm Laura.

I used to blog. But then I stopped. You can check out the old blog here.

Why did I stop blogging?  Well, for lots of different reasons. But for today, we can narrow it down to a list of 3 reasons.  After all, the blog is called List of 3.

1.  I lost my URL.  
Also known as my web address. And I refused to pay hundred of dollars to buy it back. I mean, seriously, what kind of a person decides this is the way to earn a living? Buying up awesome web addresses for pennies and selling them for hundred or thousands of dollars? No. Not happening.

2.  I was sad that I didn't have a ton of page views. 
Yep, I'm that person. Why bother writing a blog if no one wants to read it? So sad.  But it turns out I miss writing and posting pretty photos and sharing whatever is going through my head on any particular day.

3.  No time.  
Which really means I stopped carving out some me time.  We moved. Routines changed, causing changes in my free time.  Which means that I stopped making sure there was a little play time in my days. Bad idea. Very bad idea. Well, no more. Starting today I'll just let those kiddos walk to and from school. No more drop off lines to wait in. More me time.... just joking. I'll find another way to steal moments for blogging. Because, it's important. And gosh darn it, I'm worth it.

So, I hope to see you again. Tomorrow.  I'm planning on being here Monday to Friday. Every week.

p.s.  Wondering why the pic of my feet? It's just a thing I do.  I like to look down and take a photo of where I'm standing right now. To remind my future self.  You'll see these a lot. (This particular one is from our 23rd anniversary overnight getaway.)

And as long as you're here, why not leave a hello for me in the comments.  I'd love to know you stopped by.

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