Monday, September 14, 2015

3 Reasons I Love My Morning Walks

I started a new habit at the beginning of August.  I switched to night shift at work and I now get home at 6am, which is the perfect time to go take a walk. The sun is up, there are tons of people walking their dogs, and it's not crazy hot just yet. But those are just the reasons that I don't quit my new routine.  Below are the reasons why I love it that simple 30 minute routine.

1.  I get to listen to a podcast.  Or not.

Some days I put in the ear buds and listen to one of my favorite podcasts, such as The Simple Show, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, Elise Gets Crafty, or The Moth). It's pure bliss to just focus on the words and the messages.  Other days, I leave the ear buds at home and listen to nature. Yep. The sound of flocks of birds in flight, the quacks of ducks as they run away from me and enter the lake in a single file line, the sound of bike tire wheels speeding by me one Sunday morning as a bike club sped by.  They are little moments I never would have experienced if I chose to sit at home rather than lacing up my walking shoes.

2.  I get to feel powerful. Like a superhero.

OK. I may be pushing it with this one. But for someone who has been primarily sedentary for most of her adult life, I do feel powerful when I return from my walk.  Especially on days like today, when I add a bit of jogging to the routine.  It's not much for an stranger to look at, but I do feel awesome. Like I could take on the day like a boss. And maybe save a life. (note. my 2 teen girls hate when I start talking like this while driving them to school. which really just encourages me to continue my awesome talk)

3.  I get to set the tone for my day.

I get my body moving, which in turn gets my brain moving. I'm ready to tackle the day (well, really just the hour or so until I go to bed-working nights, remember?). But it's a super productive hour. Just trust me. And I pick a healthy breakfast. And drink 2 cups of water. So I'm making healthy eating choices too.  I know, I know. So much benefit from taking a few minutes out of my morning. 

Go ahead and give it a try.  Take 30 minutes for yourself tomorrow morning. And let me know if you love it too. 

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