Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Musee d'Orsay and Louvre

Musee D'Orsay:

Musee du Louvre:

There were so many museums I wanted to visit in Paris, but choices had to be made.  The Orsay museum was a must.  I've been a Monet lover ever since that art class in college.  The Louvre was on the short list, and since it was open late that night, we were in luck.

Both museums were in incredible spaces, really pieces of art in themselves.  We only had a couple of hours in each, and they both deserve more time.

We did a quick walk through at the Orsay and were able to see everything. At the Louvre, we headed straight to the Mona Lisa, then had to pick one area to explore, and went with the Egyptian wing.

Keeping the words short and sweet today.  In summary, the museums were amazing and not to be missed, even if you can only squeeze in a few moments at each.

Side note:  We tried roasted chestnuts from a vendor outside the Orsay.  Katie gave the thumbs up, but the rest of us thought no bueno.  But happy to have had a new food to taste.

Up next:  29 Rue Cler.....

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