Sunday, April 30, 2017

Notre Dame Cathedral

Even though we spent the most nights in Paris, we really just had the one day for sightseeing.  But we made sure it was a good day!

We started with a tour of Notre Dame Cathedral. It was about 10x more amazing than these photos captured.

We skipped the audio tour again.  Just wandered and looked and tried not to cry.  It's hard to believe humans can create something so beautiful.

I lit a candle for lost loved ones, sat as a quiet observer during service, and thought about God.  I'm not a religious person, but it's hard not to feel the presence of something larger than you in these amazing cathedrals.

This was the last cathedral we visited, out of 3, and I couldn't say which one I liked the best.  They were just all so different.

After the indoor visit, Mark and the girls went outside to climb the steps to the top of the cathedral, and look out over the city along with the gargoyles.  I did not make the climb.  I tried to climb the stairs at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, and had a panic attack 1/3 of the way up.  It was a narrow, spiral staircase and whenI looked up, that was the end of it for me. I had to push past people to go back down the stairs, so I didn't even try at Notre Dame.

I was a bit sad, but the cheese sandwich and sparkling water at the cafe across the street helped.

Up next, the Musee d'Orsay and the Louvre...

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