Thursday, April 20, 2017

Train to Paris

We rode the train from Amsterdam to Paris and I highly recommend this method of travel.

No early arrival at the airport to sit and wait.  Reserved seats that were comfy.  We had a table between the 4 seats.  Lots of leg room. You can get up and move around if you want.  The train station drops you off in the heart of Paris.  Such a relaxing way to travel!

I had planned on editing photos on the 3 hour ride, but I just couldn't stop staring at the landscapes passing by.  I loved watching the changes from cities to countryside then back to cities as we traveled through The Netherlands, then Brussels, then France.  Many of my photos did not turn out due to blur or window glare, but man, I love, love, love that windmill photo.  I still can't believe I captured that moment from a fast moving train through a window.  

One thing I didn't capture well, were the tiny towns in France, as we approached Paris.  They all had a central church, with a few surrounding houses, in the middle of green, open land.

One thing I did capture well, were the two sleeping travelers.  I'm used to Mark falling asleep when he gets comfy, no matter where we are, but Emma surprised me with all her naps.  During all the plane rides, the canal boat ride, the train ride, and the car ride from Los Angeles to Phoenix. They were like 2 little peas in a pod...

Up next, arriving in Paris.

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