Tuesday, April 4, 2017

London (London Eye)

Westminster Abbey

Heading to Paddington Station.

Where, after wandering for a long time, along the streets of London, past the Parliament building, past Trafalgar square, we made it to our destination.

Westminster Abbey. We went on the audio tour, and it was pretty amazing inside, but no photos were allowed.

Then we headed back to the Underground station to grab lunch at one of the numerous places we passed as we left the same station.  But first, I felt the need to take around 50 more photos of Big Ben.

One with the London Eye + One cheesy touristy one + One with Winston Churchill + One from the other side of the bridge.

Instead of finding food, we just kept wandering, and wandering and wandering.

And saw some cool buildings. But no sit down restaurants.  And my bad leg was killing me. And me good hip hurt from the fall out of the shower that morning. And my shoulder was hurting from the fall out of the shower that morning. And we were all very hungry. And frustrated. And tired. And lost. And then we looked up and saw Big Ben again. And I may have cried angry tears.

We had walked in a giant circle.  So I lost my mind, and said let's just go to that McDonald's by the Eye.  So we did. After refueling, we found our Underground station and went back to the hotel and called it a day, right after we hit up that Tesco for comfort snacking.

Cadbury egg pudding for me, odd tasting Kit Kats for Emma.

In summary, day 3 was a rough one for us.  Between the shower falling escapade, learning that following a map is much harder in a city that does not follow a grid system or always have obvious street signs, and seeing much less of the city than we hoped for, it was not a great day.

But we learned to ask questions when lost, eat when near food rather than when a perfect spot was found, grasp the concept that Underground stations were huge and harder to navigate than expected, and develop a healthy fear of odd European showers.  This trip was all about learning lessons!

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