Saturday, October 29, 2016

Photo Walk + Words // San Diego 2016

Once upon a time, on a cloudy and foggy morning, a family rose early and made the journey from Anaheim to sunny San Diego.  

Time was spent at a favorite coffee shop, where the queen likes to feast upon amazing coffee cake and fancy blended coffee drinks made with gelato. And her love for this decadent drink is now a thing to be shared with the queen's youngest princess, who does not shy away from the strong taste of coffee and dark chocolate.

A stroll was taken through a nearby Farmer's Market, where goods such as flowers and veggies and yummy edibles were for sale. Some items were purchased for a picnic dinner, while others were simply photographed and appreciated for their beauty.

While this is not a new adventure for the queen or her family, it is one that is loved bigly and will hopefully happen again in the not so distant future.

The end.

photos taken Oct. 2016 in Little Italy, San Diego

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