Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Customer Service...

Show of hands.

Who has been to Dutch Bros. Coffee?

I resisted for a looooong time.  Passively resisted, that is.

There just aren't that may locations, and none near my home.

But a few months ago, I gave it a try.

And I'm now a big fan of their iced kicker.

But this is not meant to be a post about coffee.

It's meant to be about customer service.

You see, I went there this morning, and for some reason it hit me hard how damn good they are.

I would love to know more about their training. Compared to the training of other major companies, including my beloved Starbucks.

So, what's so amazing you ask?

The attention they pay to the customer.

Done. Bam!

This morning, the guy who walks through the line to take orders and speed up the process, he asked what I did for fun this weekend. I mentioned our trip to Sedona and he shared that he had been camping in the White Mountains and gone on a 22 mile hike.

Then, when I got to the window to pick up my drink, the girl commented on my cardigan. How much she loves hers and how well they work with just about any outfit and how comfy they are, which I had to agree with (especially since I was using mine to cover up the fact that I was wearing pj's....shhhh, that's our secret).

These guys ALWAYS start a conversation with me. And keep in mind, they are about the age of my children, so it may be hard for them to relate to me.

But they know how to look at their customer and interact with them. Like, literally, make eye contact with me.

And make me feel like I'm important. Not an annoyance. Not that they would rather be home in bed at 7am on a Monday morning.

And admit it, we would all rather be in bed at 7am on a Monday morning!

And that my friends, is a lost art. That ability to make me feel special.

And even my little introverted heart, who really doesn't always like talking to strangers, recognizes just how rare this is our world today.

If you've never been there before, do a google search and see if you can find one in your area.

And if you know of any other companies in your area who excel at customer service, leave me a comment.

Let's spread a little sunshine around today.

But now I need to go, before my ice cubes melt in my kicker.

By the way, did you see my post about free coffee art? Check it out here.

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