We recently went bowling with the family.
Thought we would have a little fun.
Create some memories.
It turns out, there was a lesson learned also.
One on patience.
Found out, my little tater tot loves to bowl.
It was her first time at a bowling alley since she was 4 months old.
When, technically, she was too young to participate.
We had 5 people playing on the lane.
And we were pretty relaxed about the game.
Meaning, not jumping up and being ready when it was our turn.
So, it took awhile for miss tater's turn to come around.
And she really wanted her turn to come around quickly.
But she sat at the end of the platform, not quite moving to the seats, but not getting in the way when it was someone else's turn.
When her turn finally came around, she jumped up, grabbed her green ball, and let her mom help her setup the ramp.
Sometimes, she jumped up and down with excitement, and other times she was a bit disappointed.
But either way, she would go sit at the end of the platform, watch her aunties, grandma, and mom take their turns.
Then, when it was her turn, she would start the whole process again.
Perhaps, it's a lesson for adults too.
Sometimes, you have to wait awhile for the things you want.
And sometimes, they don't turn out the way you were hoping for.
But if they do, then it's time to celebrate.
And then it's time to wait your turn again.
But keep trying.
And keep celebrating the little moments during the process.
Because, isn't that what life is really all about?
The little moments?
I believe it is.
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