Monday, January 9, 2017

Things I Remember...

Things I remember about my Grandma:

1.  a little bird told me....when she caught us doing things we thought no one saw

2.  movies with a can of warm generic lemon-lime soda and home popped popcorn...the sound of opening that can in the theater was the worst

3.  her laughter

4.  all of her grandchildren torturing her when they wiggled their loose teeth and she would freak out

5.  her dislike of mexican food, especially enchiladas...because it looks like a giant mixed up mess

6.  trips to the zoo with a wagon in tow...along with peanut butter sandwiches and warm generic lemon-lime soda

7.  Thrifty ice cream cones

8.  yelling a me to go back to sleep when I was little and woke up too early on a weekend sleepover

9.  that cool hamper drawer in her hallway

10.  that day she was so angry at me she was shaking...just because I slapped my brother on his bare back and left a red handprint...which he deserved

11.  making piles of blitzes for breakfast

12.  Thanksgivings

13.  taking us to the circus as kids, and that time, as adults, when we took her

14.  her smile

15.  so, so many hours spent at her home during my childhood

16.  not being allowed to sit on her white couch in the formal living room

17.  her fuzzy wallpaper in her bedroom

18.  Godzilla episodes on Saturday mornings while she ironed

19.  telling me she didn't want to be an organ donor...just in case she needed those parts later

20.  the way her eyes looked when she told stories about her dog, Trouble...full of love

21.  her fondness for ice cream

22.  billy, bobby, ricky, kristina, laura...eventually she would get to the right name as she called for you

23.  driving to San Francisco in your motor home with Grandpa

24. "little kids, little problems. big kids, big problems"

25.  her sparkling blue eyes, full of mischief and a smile

you will always be a part of my heart...

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