Saturday, December 3, 2016

5 Reasons Why I Loved This Book

Last month, I ran to the library to pick up a book request, and grabbed a book off the shelf on the way out, an impulse grab.

I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You.  By Courtney Maum.

Turns out this was quite possibly one of my favorite reads of the year.

It's a book about marriage and infidelity and family and life and forgiveness.

While I have not had to deal with infidelity in my marriage, I have been married long enough to understand the necessity of forgiveness.

I thought I'd share a few passages out of the book, since I loved them so much that I took photos of the pages. (What? Do you not do that?)

Here we go:

" I held Anne against my chest as she fell asleep.  I ran my finger along the smooth gold band that had warmed from the heat of her own finger and traced circles around her knuckles and listened to her breathe.  I fell asleep smiling, fully at ease with the ludicrous prospects of spending the rest of my life with this one, single person.  It's not quite right what they say: love doesn't make you blind, it makes you optimistic."

"How had I gone from those feelings -all encompassing and complete -to growing distant from her, even taking her for granted? You love this one person, you love things about her that make her stand out from the rest. And then time passes, and she morphs into other people: warden, marshal, mother, financial partner, friend. An you lose sight of the reasons that you loved each other initially, loved each other as lovers, not as friends.  Eventually, you lose sight of the extraordinary happenstances that brought you together, and it's the bad things you start collecting like an army of plastic soldiers, ready to defend yourself against whatever's coming next.  But the good things? The finest things? The goddamn magic moments? Those things start to flicker.  These things, you forget."

"You love people. They disappoint you. But sometimes, they don't. They just keep loving you, right through it all, waiting for you to wake up and appreciate them.  To say, 'I love you. I've always loved you back.'"

"There is an openness between us now that makes our coming together feel like the truest version of love -love in all its tenderness, its frustration, and the realization that despite its shortcomings, this place, with this person, is the place we're meant to be."

"Because in the end, that's why some of us stupid humans get married.  Because we know that we can lose each other, and find each other again.  Because we're capable of forgiveness. Or at least, we think we are."

Please let me know if you have read this book.  I would love to hear your opinion!

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