Tuesday, November 29, 2016

As She Grew Bigger...

This bear.

While he sits in the corner of the living room, I hardly even notice him anymore.

You know, when your eyes just skim right past that object that you see everyday.

Then, one day, you use that object as a holder for your empty coffee cup.

And realize how much time has passed since you last really noticed that bear.

How long it has been since Tater played with the bear.

How fast time is flying.

At first, Tater liked to take the bear on a walk.  She would have me put the dog leash around its neck. Then she would drag it around the living room.

And as she grew bigger and stronger, she would drag it down the hallway and into the bedrooms.

And as she grew bigger and stronger and braver, she would sit on it.

And as she grew bigger and stronger and braver and wilder, she would rock on it.

And as she grew bigger and stronger and braver and wilder and crazier, she would rock on it like a mad woman, ready to fly off into space.

And now?

Now it sits in the corner acting as a holding place for my empty coffee cup.

And I look at the bear and think how time flies....

Oh Tater, slow down on that growing up, please.....