Monday, April 11, 2016 are you?

So, it's been another 7 months and no blogging.

Why? Heck, I don't even know.

But I do know why I'm back today.

In the past 24 hrs, 2 of my kids have told me that I'm mean.

And my kids are 14-23 yrs old.

So, they are old enough for me to stop and listen. Here is my internal dialogue:

Am I mean?  Hell, no.

Why do they think I'm mean?  Well, I do tend to call it as I see it. 

If you don't follow through on things then I will probably have to say something, again.

If you make poor choices, and crap happens, then that's the world telling you to make better choices. Start listening to the world.

If I smell bullshit, then I will call you on your bullshit.

Ok. So I'm not mean. What then? Maybe I need to find things to do with my spare time other than thinking about the lives of my 4 kids and their families.  Maybe I need to do something nice for myself on a daily basis.  Maybe, that something could be journaling. 

Oh, wait.  I have that online journal thing, called a blog.  Maybe I could log in and post something today.

Yes, let's do it!  

Damn.  That was fun.

See you again tomorrow!

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